Blog vs Rant?

I’m not afraid or embarrassed to admit that this is my first attempt at blogging. I’ve obviously e-mailed many a person and place and posted more FB updates than the average person but blogging has never been my thing. Ranting, potentially, but not blogging. However, when Chris asked if I would be interested in blogging about this new upcoming chapter in our lives, how could I say no? I just need to figure out exactly how to do this – if there is a specific ‘way’ to do it.

As of right now, we are two days past due which basically equals anxiety, impatience and really not being comfortable anymore – at least in my book. We’ve got everything all ready for the most part. There are still a couple things en route but everything critical is at the ready.

I guess if I have to pick a specific topic for now, it would be ‘Things I’ve learned to not do or say when people are pregnant”. Well, here goes:

1) Don’t ask people, close friends or not, WHEN they are going to have a baby. Ask them IF they are going to – a purely innocent question. However, asking when is not only personal, but if they are potentially having trouble conceiving, it puts them in an extremely awkward, uncomfortable and upsetting position. It would probably make the asker feel just as awkward if this was the case.

2) Don’t ask people ‘Was it planned?’ once they share the news with you. I, myself, was guilty of asking a co-worker of this a couple years back due to my own ignorance. Now, after having been asked it by a couple people myself, it’s probably one of the rudest questions one can ask. What the hell does it matter to anyone else besides us in the first place? In addition, for anyone who knew me in college and my years of sexual health education, it’s a pretty dumb question to ask someone like me in the first place.

3) Along the same lines as above, if someone is having multiples, don’t ask them ‘Was it natural?’ What are you implying and why would it matter to you anyway?

4) This next one is something specific to Chris and I although I’m sure there are others who feel the same way – Don’t offer advice unless asked!

5) Once advice is asked for and you offer it, stay away from stuff like ‘Everybody does such and such’ or ‘Such and such always happens.’ You’re most likely wrong. There are very few statements that pertain to everybody or situations that always happen.

I guess that’s about it for my first blog – hopefully it’s considered a blog and not a rant. Either way, it’s me and what I felt like writing. More to come once baby joins us!